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How You Can Stop Your Dog from Excessively Shedding

Dogs naturally shed their fur as part of their grooming process, helping to remove old or damaged hair. Understanding when and why dogs shed can help owners manage this natural occurrence more effectively. Our vets in Concord discuss the reasons for dog shedding, how to manage it, and how much shedding is too much.

Why Do Dogs Shed?

Dogs shed naturally because it's essential for their fur and skin health. Shedding helps them eliminate any fur they no longer need or that has become damaged. An example is when dogs grow larger coats of fur in the winter to keep them warm and shed them in the summer months to regulate their body temperature. The amount of fur your dog sheds will depend on its breed, the size of its coat, and the season.

Dog breeds such as the Labrador Retriever, German Sheppard, Bernese mountain dog, Siberian Huskey, and other dogs with lots of fluffy furs will shed more often than dogs with smaller coats that produce less dander, such as the Bichon Frise, Maltese, or poodle. 

When is Shedding Season for Dogs?

The primary shedding seasons for most dogs are spring and fall. In spring, dogs shed their heavy winter coat to prepare for the warmer months. In fall, they shed their lighter summer coat to grow a thicker one for winter months

Shedding patterns can differ between breeds. Double-coated breeds, like German Shepherds and Akitas, experience more noticeable seasonal shedding. Single-coated breeds, such as Greyhounds and Boxers, shed consistently throughout the year, but less noticeably.

When Should I Worry about My Dog’s Shedding?

Though dogs can sometimes shed a lot naturally, if you notice any signs of skin irritation (red bumps, rashes), excessive scratching, balding, open sores, or severe coat thinning, you need to make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible so they can diagnose your dog's condition. 

Below, we have listed some of the medical reasons why your dog could be shedding excessively:

  • Fleas
  • Allergies
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Parasites
  • Fungal or bacterial infection
  • Cancer
  • Sunburn
  • Diseases, such as kidney disease, thyroid disease, or liver disease
  • A reaction to medications

When Do Dogs Stop Shedding?

It's impossible to stop a dog from shedding altogether, but there are ways to minimize the messy fur.

Groom (brush and wash) your dog regularly according to its specific needs and shedding patterns, using the appropriate brush for its breed and coat type. Every dog has different coat types, meaning each has different grooming needs and requirements. You can ask your vet for advice on how often you should brush your dog and what tools you should use.

Grooming your dog regularly according to their needs doesn't just minimize shedding. It helps prevent painful matting, allows you to check for ticks/fleas, and helps distribute the natural oils of their fur, preventing skin irritation and other health conditions.

You can also take your dog to a professional pet groomer who has the tools, supplies, and training to groom your dog safely and help them look their best. Professional groomers can also spot signs of diseases and skin conditions early, as well as perform the necessary cleaning tasks, including getting rid of skunk smells and expressing anal glands.

Other ways you can help keep your dog from excessively shedding are to ensure it is drinking enough water to keep its skin hydrated and eating a healthy diet to help make its hair follicles stronger and more resilient.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If you are concerned about your dog's excessive shedding, contact our Concord today to schedule an appointment.

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